Covid Vaccines Cause Inflammation Leading to Vascular Events; Athletes are Collapsing on the Playing Field

“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

That remark, which concludes a paper in the journal Circulation, appears to explain the mechanism that caused heart conditions during the Covid vaccine trials. In the trials, there were more heart-related issues with the treated group than the control (untreated) group. Accompanying Pfizer’s six month update report was a supplementary data document. In it, Table S4 (Causes of Death) shows 4 cardiac arrests in the treated group, as compared to 1 in the untreated group. The table also shows 1 death from “Cardiac failure congestive” in the treated group, as compared to 0 in the control group.

These warning signs were ignored and the jab was approved anyway. Also, it is a safe bet that if the trials had not been cut short we would have seen a further increase in heart conditions in the treated group relative to the control group.

Given the warning signs we had during the trials and given the new explanation of “inflammation of the endothelium,” it is no surprise to read numerous headlines about athletes collapsing on the field of play, some while clutching their chests. Here are a few of the headlines:

Some of these reports are unconfirmed to be vaccine-related. But, can you recall anytime in the past when there were so many reports about athletes – who are presumably in peak physical condition – having heart problems? The number of such reports seems to point to a connection with vaccination. It is left to your judgment as to whether you find such a connection compelling.

Dr. Vernon Coleman did a video in which he discussed the findings of the Circulation paper. In conclusion he declares, “If the Covid jab experiment continues after today, then we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment. It’s a cull,” says Dr. Coleman


Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder” (Dr. Vernon Coleman)

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Pfizer Supplementary data (especially table S3)

Puzzling heart diseases in football

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