Re-examining AIDS (Some Inconvenient Truths About AIDS)

“The best evidence against the HIV / AIDS hypothesis is that there is no evidence for it. In the vast scientific medical literature, we can not find, anywhere, the evidence that HIV causes AIDS, that AIDS is a contagious disease, or that it is even sexually transmitted.”
– David Rasnick, PhD Chemist

It’s time to re-examine AIDS. Why? Many HIV-positive people don’t have and never come down with AIDS. And, many people diagnosed with AIDS don’t have HIV. So, the basic tenet of AIDS – that it is caused by HIV – is untenable.

Here are some other questions that may also convince you that it is time to re-examine AIDS. (At the end, I will provide some resources with which you can do your research).

  • If AIDS is contagious, why didn’t it spread to the spouses of those “infected” or to those treating them?
  • If AIDS is an infectious disease why is it mostly found in men (95% men in the early days)?
  • If HIV is the cause of AIDS why can no one find free, infectious virus in an infected human being?
  • Why are the only tests for HIV just proxy tests (e.g. anti-body and PCR tests) which only find (supposed) indirect evidence of a virus?
  • If HIV exists, why has it never been isolated?
  • Antibodies were once considered a sign that the body had defeated a pathogen. Why, when it comes to diagnosing AIDS, are antibodies considered a sign of active infection?
  • Why did our immune system, designed and refined over the course of millions of years, begin to fail in the 1980’s.
  • Couldn’t there be an explanation other than a virus for the collection of symptoms called AIDS?
  • Why was it necessary for virologists to come up with the novel idea of a “latent” virus to explain why HIV-positive people were not sick?
  • Why would Nobel laureate Kary Mullis search diligently for the scientific paper establishing that HIV causes AIDS and never find it? (Even Luc Montagnier, the scientist credited with discovering HIV, was unable to provide a reference.)
  • Why does being HIV-positive depend upon the country you live in?
  • Why did cases of Kaposi Sarcomas disappear once the AIDS scare began and the sex clubs closed?
  • Why didn’t female prostitutes have a higher incidence of AIDS?
  • Why did chemotherapy drugs get rebranded as anti-retroviral drugs to treat AIDS?
  • Why do treatments for AIDS cause such severe side-effects, as well as causing AIDS itself?
  • Why did Kaposi Sarcomas – once considered the signature symptom of AIDS – occur only in the US?
  • Why would a doctor inject himself with HIV, on live TV, if he thought it could harm him?
  • Why would a low T-cell count be considered a problem in a healthy person with no symptoms?

A single book completely destroys the idea that a virus called HIV was the cause of AIDS: Inventing the AIDS Virus, by Peter Duesberg.

If you prefer to watch some informative videos, here are links to some excellent documentaries about AIDS:

  1. AIDS Inc.
  2. Positively False – Birth of a Heresy – HIV AIDS
  3. House of Numbers
  4. Dr Robert Willner Injects “HIV” into himself on TV
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