The Contagion Myth, Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease

The Contagion Myth, by Thomas Cowan, M.D., and Sally Fallon Morell

A Book Review

The Contagion Myth is a very timely book. As the subtitle declares, it intends to show that viruses are not the cause of disease. Rather viruses (from the latin word for poison) are the result of disease, much as a shipwreck will cause flotsam to appear downstream from the wreck. One would never conclude that the debris was the cause of the shipwreck!

What are called viruses are actually the cell’s mechanism of responding to toxins (chemicals, bad water, bad food, malnutrition, EMF exposure, toxic drugs, etc.). “The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word,” says researcher James Hildreth. Exosomes are structures within the cell that get transported out of the cell as a mechanism of detoxification. So, according the to the author, viruses (exosomes) are not the reason for illness but rather the response to illness.

This explains why ill people (not infected with anything) will be more likely to have a positive PCR test: because these exosomes are genetic material which is what the PCR test looks for and there is no reason to presuppose the existence of a novel infectious virus as it is just a natural cellular process that is occurring.

This also explains why during the Spanish Flu when researchers tried to infect healthy people by exposing them to sick people they couldn’t infect them.

Medical science claims the credit for the (near) elimination of polio. The alternative explanation is that once the use of DDT and other pesticides declined, so did the incidence of polio. Just look at a graph of DDT usage and incidence of polio and the two lines will coincide so closely that it’s hard to imagine that they are not related.

It is a timely book, well-written and very approachable for the layman, too. And it must be on to something judging by the fact that Amazon has chosen not to sell the book!

Here are some provocative quotes from The Contagion Myth:

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The Contagion Myth Banned on Amazon

Further Reading:

Amazon Quietly Removes Some Dubious Coronavirus Books

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