The Top 10 Reasons Not to Believe the Official Covid Story

The Top 10 Reasons Not to Believe the Official Covid Story

  1. The PCR test has no validity as a diagnostic tool.
  2. Where is the evidence of a virus?
  3. Case number and death number counts are unreliable.
  4. Germ theory is over-rated.
  5. The profit motive.
  6. The “vaccines-are-wonder-drugs” narrative is fading fast.
  7. The propaganda machine keeps changing the story.
  8. The dissenting doctors.
  9. Japan and Sweden.
  10. Censorship.

Explaining the Reasons

1) The PCR test has no validity as a diagnostic tool

The PCR process is used to detect positive cases of the coronavirus. It is the only method of doing so. The main problems associated with this are:

  • the PCR process was invented it as a manufacturing process and its Nobel Laureate inventor says that it is not suitable as a diagnostic tool.
  • it amplifies DNA or RNA sequences that are merely presumed to be related to the coronavirus.
  • the threshold at which the process returns a positive result is arbitrarily selected and the process can be easily adjusted to get results above the threshold.
  • there is no other way to prove the existence of coronavirus, so there is no way to validate the PCR test itself.

See this article for more information

2) Where is the evidence of the virus?

  • as mentioned above the PCR process is not a diagnostic tool and there is no other test for the coronavirus.
  • Scientific American magazine ran a cover story about the coronavirus and showed no electron micrographs of the virus. The cover image was an illustration.
  • the virus has not been isolated. Koch’s postulates – four criteria designed to establish a causative relationship between a microbe and a disease – have not been applied.

3) Case number and death number counts are unreliable

There are many documented cases of corruption related to counting Covid cases and deaths. Even if one were to accept the official numbers, the narrative of a dangerous pandemic doesn’t pan out because:

  • case numbers are not well correlated with death numbers.
  • the number of deaths are not very different from previous seasons described as serious flu seasons (1957 and 1968).
  • lockdowns and their associated social, emotional and financial stresses – and possibly even mask-wearing – are contributing to the increased death toll.

4) Germ Theory is over-rated

It was certainly a great advance when microorganisms were discovered – doctors began to wash their hands, general sanitation improved … However, that doesn’t mean that the preponderance of disease is caused by germs. It is becoming increasingly clear that germs thrive in an environment that is already weakened. This explains why mostly old people with co-morbidities are dying.

The German Supreme Court ruled that there is no proof of the existence of measles virus. How many other viruses are supposedly the cause of diseases but are really just phantoms?

5) The profit motive

When inexpensive medications are maligned and expensive medications are celebrated, when the only hope on the horizon is portrayed to be the availability of an “amazing vaccine”; when numerous companies are already benefiting from the government-funded vaccine gold rush and stand to “make a killing” if selected as the official vaccine maker; it is hard to see much to this pandemic beyond the marketing of expensive medical interventions for a hyped-up flu season.

6) The “vaccines-are-wonder-drugs” narrative is fading fast

Didn’t vaccines wipe out whooping cough and the measles? No, they were practically eliminated before the vaccines were introduced.
(See Dissolving Illusions graphic below)

7) The propaganda machine keeps changing the story

Remember the meme “flatten the curve.” We were supposed to stay home for two weeks to protect old people. Now we need to stay home to minimize the number of cases while case numbers are hyped-up by a huge increase in testing and there is a lack of context about the more important case-positivity rate. Now the propaganda machine is telling us that taking vaccines are patriotic.

8) The dissenting doctors (active links)

9) Japan and Sweden

There is a lot of talk about Sweden. Is it possible, though, the media begrudgingly talk about Sweden to avoid talking about Japan? New York City’s death rate is six times that of Sweden and 46 times that of Japan. Neither Japan nor Sweden locked down.

10) Censorship

If the official narrative is correct why would it be so important to censor information that contradicts it? Why were America’s Frontline Doctors taken off of YouTube just as the video went viral? Why was Doctor Scott Jensen reprimanded for saying the Covid-19 was just the flu (re-iterating what Dr. Fauci wrote in the NEJM)? Why was Dr. Dan Ericson’s video censored from YouTube for saying that the lockdown was an over-reaction. These headlines and more with links:

Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference

Doctor Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending ‘White Coat Summit’

Senator Scott Jensen targeted by Minnesota Medical Board for speaking out about COVID-19

WATCH: “Dr Erickson Covid19 Briefing” CENSORED by YouTube

Why are Google, Facebook, Twitter so bent on censoring doctors who promote cure for COVID?

Anti-vaccination group sues Facebook over ‘censoring’ posts

Supporting Information

Supporting Math:

As of 8/18/2020 Japan has 1,135 deaths with a population of of 126 million. Sweden has 5,790 deaths with a population of 10 million. New York city has 32,931 deaths with a population 8 million. Doing the math, one finds that New York city has about seven times the death rate of Sweden and 46 times the death rate of Japan. Neither Sweden nor Japan did a lock down.


Dissolving Illusions graphic:

From Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History


Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It’s not un-American, it’s patriotic.

Further Reading:

DDT and the Polio Fallout

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