
Sanitation, Nutrition vs. Vaccines

It is a basic tenet of modern medicine that vaccines get the credit for the elimination of many infectious diseases in the 20th century. However, though these diseases have been nearly eliminated, the case that vaccines should be given the credit is very questionable. Here is a graph taken from the book Dissolving Illusions and …

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Is Germ Theory Obsolete?

While in his fields George Washington was caught in the rain and awoke the next day to a sore throat. His treatment included being bled four times and he died shortly after. We assume medicine has come a long way since then, but, perhaps, not as far as we might imagine. The prevailing theory since …

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Vaccines – Safe and Effective?

The basic science behind vaccines has been around since the late 18th century when a scientist discovered that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox (yes, from cows) did not get smallpox. The CDC recommends that children get 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach the age of 6, and the total reaches 69 …

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